
Play-doh... Ugh

I am trying to be less of a play-doh hater, I really am. The boys seemed to have a ton of fun when we played with it at the Larson's house, so I figured we could give it a try at home. I also felt inspired by the back-and-forth of my momma friends on Facebook. One of them was a fellow play-doh hater and called it a one time use activity. When I realized the containers are about 50 cents each at Target, that seemed like a good outlook to me. If they ruin it, it's gone. If it's fine, they can use it again another day. Win-win!

I actually have a few play-doh tools thanks to the Koala Crate that Brittney bought Thomas for Christmas last year. So I dug those out, a few cookie cutters, cutting mats and let them go to town. 

Thomas was soooooo excited about getting to play with play-doh at home. Ha - these kids are obviously so deprived.

Henry was pretty focused on cutting his chunk of play-doh into smaller pieces. 

But even more excited when he discovered the balls of dough I had been rolling for him. So easy to please! I made him a few primitive looking animals (fish, frog and a snake - of course!) to play with and he smashed those pretty quickly.

Balls it is then! 

Also, I noticed the other day that Thomas' class had been practicing tracing letters. I was pretty impressed by how well Thomas had done on tracing his name! I showed Matt the photo and he was skeptical that Thomas did it without any help. 

So we printed out a sheet of letters for him to trace to see how well he did. He was a champ!!! He did his name, then a sheet of car letters and still wanted to do a sheet of rocket ship letters. Matt was duly impressed. :)

Also thanks to Pinterest for all of the letter sheets it helped us find. Such a great resource for early learning activities!