
Cookies and Car Wrecking

The weather has been pretty rainy lately and this weekend was no exception. I figured since we were kinda stuck inside, we might as well make cookies!

Of course, I had lots of help with ingredient holding and dumping!

I even got assistance with cookie cutting! The boys picked out the shapes they wanted from the huge assortment of cookie cutters and Matt arranged them on the rolled out dough. 

Quite the assortment, huh?

The main goal though, was to use these super cool dinosaur cookie cutters that Rachael had sent us forever ago! It's a two piece cutter - one that is the outline of the dinosaur and the other you press on top to imprint their bones. I wasn't super even on my rolling though, so you can see the T-Rex on the left isn't quite as defined in the head area. But not that bad for the first attempt... 

They looked super cool though! And way easier than free-handing in the skeletal structure!

The car tent also got pulled out for play time since the two of them like cars so much. Thomas got this from my parents for his birthday last year, and it had been hiding in his closet the last few months. Matt set it up in the living room and as soon as he walked away, it fell over.

Well that's weird. It never had that problem before... 

Of course, it never had Henry in it before, either! He was having a blast knocking it over and then pushing it back upright. That kid is a tank...

Thankfully, Thomas was more than happy to roll with getting knocked over again and again!

But the tent is only made for so much abuse... Once one of the tent poles split, I figured it was time to move on to a new activity. So I pulled out the markers and let the two of them color away. Henry did a pretty good job with the markers - one more thing I probably should have let him play with months ago! His technique is a little hard to see, but he is definitely leaning toward pointillism! :)

Finally, it was cookie time! Their momma may have claimed the super fun dinosaur cookies with the excuse that "they have too much sugar". They seemed pretty happy with the ones I made them though - Thomas was flying his airplane around and Henry was letting his dinosaur "eat". 

Well this makes my little lie about the sugar a little more obvious - I had forgotten the one I gave him was covered in icing and sprinkles. Ummm... it's less sugar because it's a smaller cookie?

Ok, fine. I just wanted the dinosaur cookies all to myself. And I am not going to feel guilty about it, because they were amazing. So there! ;)

Thank again for the fun cookie cutters, Rachael! I promise I'll figure out how to make perfect dinosaur cookies before your next visit!