We got a package in the mail the other day from Grannie and I couldn't remember what she had told me was inside. I *did* remember I wasn't supposed to open it right away. But I had no idea when I was supposed to open it... Whoops! Luckily I thought to take a closer look at the package to see if it had any hints. And there on the outside was a taped on label for "Talk Like a Pirate Day".
Well that's a day I know by heart - September 19th!!!
So this morning, we got the boys all excited and then let them open the package. Pirate gear galore! And she had handmade all of it - I'm not sure who was more excited, me or the boys!
Henry wasn't quite sure what to do with the pirate's sword...
Thomas had no problem, he grabbed that sword up and started swinging it around. The most impressive part was he started yelling "Yo-ho!!!" Who in the world taught him that?!?
I also learned it was safer to be out of sword distance when taking pictures...!
Henry made some progress on the sword, but still wasn't getting the hang of it. Poor guy would not make it as a pirate!
This is what happens when you don't know what to do with your sword - another pirate takes it and becomes doubly dangerous! I'm betting most pirates don't look so gosh darn adorable though! ;)
After nap time, Thomas went straight for his pirate hat again. He did decide he would rather see than wear the eye patch this time, but otherwise he was a super happy pirate!
Henry, on the other hand, decided to convince his brother to push him around the house on his elephant. The pirates life may not be for Henry, but he is just fine with a life of leisure - ha!
Eliza was happy the swords were out of reach for a little while. Thomas never got close to her, but she is not a trusting kind of dog and ran every time he was holding them. Also, she looks scraggly enough to be a pirate dog - if there is such a thing? Surely some pirates had dogs?
Henry decides that if his pirate hat won't suit his life of leisure, then his fedora will have to do. The boy certainly has style!
Thanks Grannie for the wonderful present. I am sure that my pirate hat just got lost on the way. Maybe I'll see if I can cram Henry's on my head while he's not using it. ;)