
Dog Days of Summer

It's well into summer up here. Well technically it's on the tail end of summer since we passed the solstice - which is a big deal up here since it's daylight all day. It's been a really nice summer - enough so that everyone up here has been warning us it's not always like this. But I'll take the gorgeous-ness while it is here. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. ;)

Speaking of gifts, we've definitely had an uptick of fun things in the mail this month. Nonni and Grandpa sent Thomas a super cool Elmo doll the other day. They requested a Skype session when he opened it and got to see first hand how much it freaked Thomas out when it started singing and dancing... But luckily he came around and now loves his Elmo. And I love him enough that I even replaced the batteries when they died the other day. So Elmo and Thomas got to hang out on the couch and watch Frozen together. (I use the word 'watch' loosely - Thomas doesn't have much of an attention span for movies...)

Shortly after getting bored with the movie, he decided the Elmo was now his "baby" and put him in the baby's boppy pillow and put a blanket on him. It was pretty darn cute. :)

And what is the real baby up to? Kicking up a storm! This kid can not sit still! Put him in his car seat or in the bouncy chair and he starts kicking and kicking and kicking. I'm not sure if it's the bouncing motion or if it's his toys flying around in the air, but he loves kicking. Unfortunately he wore a hole in the back of his foot (!) so now he has to be wearing socks at all times. He's just a happy bouncing baby!

And last, but not least, the What-a-burger package! I thought it would be a great Father's Day gift to buy Matt a set of What-a-burger glasses since he misses them oh so much and they won't ship a #1 with cheese and jalapeños... Though honestly, they would't ship anything, I had to ship it to mom and have her send it up here. Since I was going to so much trouble, I thought I would get Thomas this totally rad dinosaur shirt as well. It didn't come with the blue paint, but it kinda looks like it belongs, huh?

A fun month with a bunch of fun mail. If anyone is feeling left out, feel free to send me something! :)