
A Special Sprinkle Cake

Brittney's birthday is tomorrow! I almost always think it is on the 10th and end up wishing her "Happy Birthday!" on the wrong day. But this year I got it. Thank you, outlook calendar at work...!

When I asked her what cake she wanted, I expected something challenging. Instead, she wanted the cake Matt made me for my birthday. My favorite cake is delicious, but hardly a challenge once you've made it a dozen or so times. So I decided to jazz it up a little!

I wasn't sure that rainbow sprinkles on cake was really "a thing", so I decided to look it up online. Not a super common combination apparently - the only thing I saw were people making a number on top of a kid's birthday cake with the smaller sprinkles. But then a related image caught my eye - a chocolate donut with rainbow sprinkles - my favorite donut!!

After that, it was just a matter of deciding how many sprinkles to put on this cake. I decorated it very tastefully and then took it to Matt for his opinion. "It needs more sprinkles!" So it kinda snow-balled from there until the whole cake was covered in sprinkles - as were most surfaces in the kitchen.

Once Thomas discovered all the colorful things on the floor were sprinkles (possibly his favorite 'food' in the world), he plopped down and started eating the off the floor. I was a bit surprised that a child with my genetics was doing that...!

But then it soon occurred to me that it might not be my genetics that was promoting such behavior. At least Matt stopped Thomas from eating the things that were not sprinkles on the floor - once Thomas reached for a piece of dirt, Matt called the sprinkle hunt off until the next decorating craze...

Happy Birthday, Brittney! Hope you love your cake as much as the boys did! :)