Not the real kind, thankfully. We've been doing really well about checking for them since last weekend. No moose to be seen! Though we saw on the news the other day that the bears are waking up, so now we need to watch for them as well. I guess once the snow all melts and the days get longer, they decide come out of hibernation and be "social"...!
No, this moose was a present to Henry from his Aunt Jo (Matt's sister, JoAnna) that she sent right after he was born. And I'm just now getting around to taking a photo and saying thank you on his behalf!
In my defense, he's not been that great at staying awake for photos or looking at the camera until now. And I think this photo of him and his pretty peepers turned out pretty cute! Worth the wait, right??
And since Matt was at tumbling with Thomas, I took advantage of the lack of chaos to try and take more shots of Henry. I had all these shots I had wanted to take and never got around to. I managed to get some finger and toes shots, but those kind of detail shots are where a macro lens really pays off and I don't have one. I'm mentally debating if it would be worth renting one for a few days. I can't imagine I'll get Thomas to sit still enough to get any zoomed in shots of him, so it might not be. Stay tuned, you'll know if I get around to it!
In the meantime, Henry fell asleep pretty soon after I started trying to get photos of him all wide awake. Figures... So I ended up just wrapping him up in the blanket his Nonni (my mom) made him to keep him cozy.
He looks just as cute asleep as he did awake. :)