Tommy's school has a tendency to celebrate as many holiday and events as possible. I try to go to as many as I can, but work has a tendency to be scheduled at the same time. I missed the Christmas party, so I figured I would try to go to their Valentine's Day party. They asked all the parents to bring snacks, so I made Rice Crispy Treats with freeze dried strawberries - it felt a little more festive to have the strawberries in there than just plain. Of course I couldn't find freeze dried strawberries, so I bought a box of cereal that had them and dug all the strawberries out. Hey - you get creative when you live in Alaska... :)
When I got there, Thomas thought it was time to go and was a little upset with me that I kept putting his jacket back in the cubby and showed no signs of leaving with him. So he sat in my lap mad for a little while. I finally got him to cheer up by taking photos of us and showing them to him - the boy loves his technology!
Then it was party time! His classroom is only five kiddos, and they are all boys. So they probably didn't appreciate all the pink snacks as much as I did, but they certainly chowed down on them! I think all of them licked the icing off before eating their cookies. And my son refused to share his goodies with me! His teacher put extra on his plate and he would only let me eat the raspberries, not the cookies. Which isn't to say I didn't risk the wrath of my pint-sized man by stealing them off his plate. ;)
And since it was a party, the boys all got juice boxes. It was apparently the first time they got boxes to drink out of and the results were a bit mixed. I had read online that if you pull the tabs up on the side, it gives them something to hold on to that won't make them squeeze all of the juice out of the box. Apparently that only works for older kids... but Thomas sure had fun with his box of juice anyhow. And he didn't spill *too* much of it!
And although he had enough sweets to last him for a while, they gave them all cupcakes to take home. He was pretty excited about carrying his cupcake out to the car. His dad ended up getting the cupcake in the end, but that was long after Thomas had forgotten about it. If I had wanted it, he probably would have remembered - I swear those boys are already sticking together!