
Bubble, Bubble, Boys are Trouble...

Since we're having another boy, I have become more aware of situations that throwing a third boy in the mix will probably up my anxiety level. But so far bath time hadn't occurred to me. Until I left Matt and Thomas alone for literally two minutes when we were testing out the jets on the Jacuzzi tub and came back to this:


Matt thought that he would make Thomas some bubbles (since he loves them so much!) and squirted waaaaay too much shampoo in the tub with the jets on. I think both of them were a little shocked and overly excited about the bubble pandemonium that followed.


I love that the bubbles flying through the air make Thomas look like he has puffy bubble eyebrows. He thought the bubble flinging was hysterical. And quickly came after me and my nice camera with his bubble hands!


Sorry for the booger in the nose shot - by product of him having the flu... At least he is in such good spirits, most of the week he has been running a high fever and not wanting to do much more than cuddle. Not that I mind the extra cuddle time! I do kind of mind that I am starting to feel sick... "/


Not content to merely play with the top layer of bubbles, both of them ended up in the tub. Here Thomas is about to be attacked with a bubble hug. Or Matt will get slapped with a bubble covered squeegee - any bets on who succeeds?


I hope you didn't bet on the squeegee. Hugs almost always win in this family! So we had a bit of a mess to clean up with all the bubbles - that many bubbles take forever to pop themselves by the way - but the two of them were having such fun, how could you not just laugh and go with it? I am sure these things will just escalate to grander and grander things as both (all three?) of the boys grow up. I'll just try to be there with the camera to document and laugh from a safe distance...! :)