
Game Night!

Matt and I always talk about playing board games, but it just never seems to happen. We played some games back in June when the Monroes were here, but that is probably the only time this year. One of Matt's coworkers, Sam, apparently does a better job of playing board games and has been making noises to have a game night. Brittney and Duncan are also big proponents of game nights, so we figured why not try hosting one?

The games didn't really get started until after our little guys went to bed. Sam taught the guys the game of the evening, Munchkin, while the ladies were kid watching or food making (so stereotypical!). Then he had to teach Brittney and I again after dinner. Sam, his wife Caitlin and their daughter on are the right in the above photo. Thomas absolutely loved having company - the two of them were running around riding inflatable dinosaurs, playing with fake food and watching movies. So cute!

The game is a dungeon/monsters game with the stated purpose of back stabbing your friends and stealing their stuff. There are different races (Human, Elves, Dwarfs, etc) and classes (Wizard, Thief, etc), plus a ton of items that give you higher fighting points, plus whatever "level" you are. It's less confusing than it sounds once you start playing. The ultimate goal is to get to level 10 by fighting the monster cards. The fun/chaos comes in during these battles when other players can offer to help you or help the monster. It gets brutal...

Unfortunately for me, Matt told Sam that I have some issues with playing games, so Sam was doing his darnedest to get a rise out of me. And while I tried really, really hard to be cool, I did get a bit of game anger. I think I did a decent enough job of hiding it... I don't understand why I get so riled up with games, we played all the time as kids and my dad certainly had no problem beating us at every possible game we had. I don't recall every getting that upset about it as a kid. 

I feel like aversion therapy might be the best way of overcoming it - more game nights! With people that can beat me. Ugh. Wait, what I mean is... Yay! 

Ha - if I'm pretty even-keeled with the rest of my life, I can be a little forgiven in one area of weakness, right?

After that bit of confession, I feel like I should end with something I *am* good at - baking! Brittney bought me a new cookbook for Christmas, so I felt like it was best to break it in right away. This Smores Roulade took up three pages, so maybe I should have started it earlier in the day, but it was fun doing a complicated cake - it's been a while since I've had time to tackle one. It was pretty stinking tasty, but I think it just looks awesome. The cake rolling wasn't even as scary as I thought it would be, so there's a whole new style of cake available to try. Woo!