
Pumpkin Painting!

Thomas really seemed to enjoy painting a pumpkin for Halloween last year, so I thought we would give it another shot this year. I'm not quite ready to introduce cutting implements... He gets pretty excited anytime craft time involves paint - luckily for me, the paints these days really are quite washable. (Notice we still take a few precautions...!)

I let him pick the colors hoping if I limited it to three colors this year we might not end up with a completely gray pumpkin. And luckily, he picked three colors that actually go together quite well. Whew!

In case you have forgotten from last year, I used painters tape to block off part of the pumpkin and let him paint all around it for a reverse design. I decided to try a monogram this year, I figured it would be fun to mix it up! 

Again with my children and their tongues needing to be out for maximum concentration. I also noticed once he started painting that he was very specifically matching up paintbrushes with the same paint color. This is normal for toddlers, right? I worry about how particular this little guy can be...

Or he just gets it from his dad. ; )

Henry didn't get to paint this year, but he was just as happy as he could be. He loves hanging out with his big brother. Of course, all the fun toys I kept fetching for him didn't hurt...!

Look at that paintbrush control. So advanced in his painting methods these days!

He decided he wanted to mix it up and play with some of the other brush options. He really enjoyed smushing the sponge brush on the pumpkin. 

Which led to shouts of "Moon! Moon!"

I can't really argue with that. They do look very moon-ish. : )

Then he decided it was time for finger/hand painting. I've mentioned before that they do this quite a bit at daycare, so he is quite the pro at painting his hand to make handprints.

Of course, if I get distracted for a few minutes, this is what happens... Ha - not sure if he planned on arm painting his pumpkin or the temptation of the green paint was just too much. But it was pretty much the end of pumpkin painting... ; )

And it wouldn't be fall in Alaska without the occasional moose visitor! There were actually a few wandering around while we were painting, but one hung around long enough for me to photograph her "good" side... :)