I’ve been reading up on moon photography since we have so many long nights coming up this winter. I thought it might be fun to try and get some moon and star photos. I haven’t gotten to practice any of the tips yet since it’s been summer, but it’s finally starting to get really dark at night.
Especially if your youngest wakes you up at 3 in the morning! I just happened to go downstairs after getting him back to sleep and saw this awesomely big and bright moon! I couldn’t remember most of the photo tips, but I did remember I needed my tripod.
I gave it the old college try, but it didn’t turn out quite as nice as I had hoped. It’s just a tad out of focus, which I am blaming on the fact I was half asleep at 3 am. But you can see the craters and shadows on the moon surface, so I think with a little practice I can do better than this. Stay tuned!