
Spud Party

I’ve been a geologist for about 10 years now and I’ve never been the person in charge of watching a well. I’ve planned wells and worked fields where wells are being drilled, but never been in charge of saying “stop here and run casing!”. Luckily, my boss is all about expanding his employee’s skills sets, so he asked me to watch the next well in our field. I happily accepted with the understanding that I was scheduled for training in Houston at the end of the month and didn’t really want to miss it. No big deal and suddenly I was the geologist on the well. Woo!

Back when I worked production, the old guys had a tradition when they had a well about to start. Starting a well is known as “spudding”, so they would go get spuds on spud day. I felt like this was an honorable tradition, so we had our own spud party for dinner that night. I doubt anyone else was as excited about the potatoes as I was, but they were good sports anyhow.

Also new this week was the doorway bouncer! Well new to Henry - it was a hand-me-down from a co-worker to Thomas. Thomas used it a few times, but he wasn’t in love with it. Thomas loved to stand up when he was about 2 months old, so he just used it to help him stand without our help.

Henry just started trying to stand up recently, so it’s still a bit of a novelty for him. But the real excitement was when he realized he could bounce. Apparently this kid looooooooves bouncing! Thomas thought the bouncing was exciting as well and started running circles around his brother. Ha - who knew a bouncer could inspire such excitement?