
Seven (28.5) Months!

It's that time again - another month, another photo session! I miss the days of the cooperative kids, we have progressed into full on uncooperative this month. So I figured I would give you all a taste of the hilariousness of trying to get a toddler to tolerate a photo shoot.

I'll start with the best one of the two of them that was captured. Perfect, right?? 

Not so much, but it certainly captures the two of them pretty well. Henry is sucking on those fingers about 80% of the time and Thomas is in 'fine' form when the camera is aimed at him 90% of the time...

Thomas is done with the sticker, thank you very much! In my head, Henry is saying "Bro! Leave the sticker on! She's going to be all upset if we don't just sit here for a few pictures. We can do this!"

Except they can't...

Well to be fair, one of them can. Look at that happy baby - sticker and all!

He even got all GQ with his poses! This boy is in a stage where he loooooooves the camera! Or maybe he just loves his mommy who is hiding behind the camera - either way, I'll take it!

Then we went down to the floor so he could show off how well he is doing holding his head up. Look at that neck control!

Thomas wanted to join in the fun on the floor. As a side note - look at all those teeth! He is finally catching up to every other kid his age on tooth count.

I tried to persuade him to get back in the chair for "just a few more photos". He instead decided to stand on me. 

Finally got him in the chair, but only because he wants to read his alphabet safari book.

No, he will not put it down. Yes, he will hide behind it.

Then he decided to hide under the chair cushion when he decided he was done reading and I tried again to get him to sit in the chair. 

I even tried to compromise on standing in the chair. While he was fine with standing there, no smiles were forth coming...

"Maybe if I fold in half, she'll leave me alone..."

Finally - a smile! I can't even remember what combination of cajoling or silly faces worked in the end, but I somehow got him to smile. Totally worth it. There isn't much I wouldn't do to see my little guys smiling at me. :)

(You probably noticed that I still lost the battle on the sticker. Oh well, maybe I can figure out a way to photoshop it in!)