Anyone who has been around me during the month of September knows how excited I get about the State Fair of Texas! Since Matt took me the first time 12 years ago, I haven't missed a year. We were there the day after Big Tex went up in flames. A tragedy to be sure! But an equally big tragedy (to me) - I would be missing it this year!!! :(
Luckily the Alaska State Fair was running the weekend my mom and sister were both in town. It wouldn't be quite the same, but I would take it! I googled activities and those were certainly different: Lumberjack Competitions, Pumpkin Weigh Offs, Tractor Pulls and Beard Contests. Well that would certainly be a change in pace...! Luckily, the food looked equally as bad for us, so I figured it would all be ok.
Duncan tried to caution me about getting my hopes up, so the expectations were pretty low when we got there. And it was totally awesome! No, it's not Texas, but it was really fun. The food was yummy and the weather mostly held out, so we had a blast. We on,y decided to go when the youngest in our party had enough and signaled very loudly that it was time for him to nap. I can't wait to take Matt next year!
For the curious, the foods I photographed were: Fried Cheese Curds (my favorite!), Denali Cream Puff, Elephant Ears, Corn Fritters, Potato Soup Bread Bowl and Halibut on a Stick. Not picture is the huge bag of Kettle Korn we ate on the way home... :)