Warning - Not for the faint of stomach or those who are eating...!
My parents stayed a half day on Monday because Thomas had developed a case of diarrhea Sunday. It was bad enough to deal with that, but it was super smelly too! At one particularly bad diaper change, I just opened the window in his room and threw everything out on the driveway instead of carrying it through the house to the laundry room. Very nasty stuff.
Obviously he couldn't go to daycare and potentially get them all sick!
Nope, it was much easier to keep him home where he could get us all sick. That's right, my son, whom we all love and care for sooooo much - got all four of us really, really sick. Everyone got varying degrees of it - I think Mom and Matt tied for who was worse off. I think the last stomach bug that he gave me helped keep me out of the worst category, but all of us had varying degrees of nausea to outright throwing up. Can I just say that throwing up seems way worse as an adult? Really could do without that for the rest of my years. I'm just saying.
I think this morning was the first time all week that I felt like myself again. Of course, Matt had to work until 2am that morning, so Thomas and I hung out and tried our best to be quiet so he could sleep in. How could you stay mad at such a cute little germ factory?
Thanks to the bug, I missed out on making Brittney her awesome birthday dinner the day she flew into town. It killed me to cancel it, but I figured she would prefer to spend her time in Houston without getting sick. So considerate, I know!
After I missed seeing her, it sounded like there was a small chance she might be able to come by another night that week. So I did what any good friend would do - I sanitized the heck out of everything I could. All of the soft toys went in the wash. All of the hard toys got sanitized. And I sprayed or wiped down everything else I could. It seemed to work - she didn't get sick when she stopped by.
So Casa de Hoyt is back to normal for now. Given our recent history it may not be our last battle with a bug, but hopefully he'll stop picking so many up or we'll start to be more immune. (One can only hope!)