Thomas technically was around last Halloween, but I'm pretty sure he slept while we walked around the neighborhood with friends. This year we thought he might be old enough to get some fun out of the event - plus his daycare and my work were both having Halloween parties. Yay for indoor activities when it's super cold outside! I had no idea what to dress him up as, but Matt's mom made him a skunk costume and mailed it up here. It got here just in time and fit perfectly!
The daycare party was the weekend before Halloween and we thought it would be a good test run for the big day. And of course, Tommy had no clue what was going on or why he was supposed to walk up to random people with his bag to get candy. So he didn't get very much candy - unfortunate for the parents who were going to eat it for him...
But since the daycare went all out, there were things for him to do besides get candy. He really liked the pumpkin crafts, wasn't too sure about the temporary tattoos... And he loved looking at all of the big cut outs they had made for the occasion. All-in-all, I'd call it a win!
The night before Halloween - we were in a bit of a panic as we hadn't decorated pumpkins yet! We figured the adults could do it after dinner, but Tommy had limited time between daycare and dinner, so we put him to work as soon as he got home. He really got into the finger painting - that boy takes his art very seriously.
Tommy's pumpkin will have to dry for the full effect, but he seemed pretty excited about just smearing paint all over it He started out with a very nice pointillism technique, but that soon turned to full on smears of paint. Matt tried to keep adding new colors so the whole pumpkin wasn't gray, but apparently Tommy likes gray...
Then after dinner, the adults finally got in on the action. And we had a blast - though the pumpkins up here are kinda weird. They are super stringy - like spaghetti squash. We couldn't ever get it all out, we just got tired of scraping. The bowl of pumpkin guts looked like a bowl of shredded cheese. Though I doubt it would taste as good.
The finished pumpkins! (In order - Tommy's, Brittney's, Matt's and mine)
Not bad for a bunch of procrastinators, huh? :)